Natural Medicines for Prostate Cancer pt 1

Natural Medicines for Prostate Cancer pt 2

"I was referred to Dr. Belanger because of recurrent prostate cancer. Having already undergone surgery and radiation treatment prior to the recurrence of the cancer, my treatment options were limited. Dr. Belanger explained value of diet and natural supplements to “starve” the cancer of the necessary growth factors. I have strictly followed both the diet and supplement program for the last 18 months and my PSA has declined to half of its level when I first started the program. Thanks! It works!"
- GC”
“Three years after the surgical removal of a cancerous prostate with a Gleason score of 8, my PSA was doubling every 8 months or so, indicating that cancer cells remained somewhere in my body. I understood tha prostate cancer is said to be slow-growing, but even so, the possibility of metastasis and a life shortened by this disease was disheartening and sapped my spirit. “The radiation and hormone therapy treatments recommended by conventional oncologists dismayed me. Their debilitating side effects threatened to sentence me to spend whatever life remained to me treating one symptom after another, perched on a conveyor belt gurney like an unclaimed suitcase on a revolving airport luggage carousel. The fact that conventional oncologists, despite scientifically-valid statistical studies of thousands of men, could not predict the course of the disease in one particular person – me – was frustrating. What’s more, even the best, most recent studies showed that there was no difference in outcomes between men who opted for all the conventional treatments or none of them at all. It presented a stark, existential dilemma with no clear choice and, in fact, no clear reason to make any choice at all. Adopting a “watchful waiting” approach, I tried to free my mind of negative thoughts and let go of attachments to specific outcomes. “But I still wanted to do something, so I followed through on a reference given me several years before for a naturopath whose office was more than 100 miles from home. That’s how I was led to Dr. Belanger. Six months later, following his diet recommendations and treatment plan of supplements, my PSA has dropped 40%, I’ve shed 15 pounds I didn’t really need, and my energy level and outlook on life are as good as they’ve ever been, if not better. My wife and I have appreciated Dr. Belanger’s ability to explain complex biological functions and processes in terms we can understand, so we have a better sense of how the supplements are boosting my immune system and interrupting the cancer’s ability to grow and sustain itself. Periodic blood tests give all of us a reading on these changes. Being able to hold consultations by phone has bridged the miles. “When I first learned about the diet and number of pills I would need to take every day, I didn’t think I could do it. The diet asked me to ‘give up’ some of my favorite foods. Having to take so many pills at certain time intervals throughout the day threatened to take over my life. Two thoughts helped me over the threshold: (1) Following a healthier diet and building up my immune system was a lot more appealing than bombarding my body with poisons, and (2) I would not try to do it all at once, but would make small, incremental changes and see how it went. “This experience also has demonstrated to me how we, as patients, are invited to play a different role in naturopathic medicine than we are in conventional medicine as it is most widely practiced today. Although it’s an overgeneralization to put it this way, conventional medicine encourages us to be passive consumers, while naturopathic medicine encourages and empowers us to be active partners in the process. And why shouldn’t it be that way? After all, whose life is it?”-R., aged 62
"I was diagnosed with prostate cancer stage II in Feb. '09 and I am 71 years old. I had two brothers who had the same condition when they were both age 74. They had their prostate removed and both are doing very well at age 88 and 89 now. My immediate decision was to have my prostate removed as well.
However, I decided to study information on the internet about my condition and learned that a prostatectomy was not my only option. There was radiation, radiation seed implants and other medical approaches including chemotherapy which none of which I was impressed with proceeding with. I was introduced to another naturopath doctor who used the hit or miss approach by prescribing supplements and herbs for my condition. I was not happy with that approach.
When I finally came in contact with Dr. Belanger, he used, what I called a scientific approach. He took a blood test to determine the condition of my immune system and the strength of the cancer cells whereby he prescribed specific herbs and dosages for my personal requirements. My PSA level was at 4.1 when I first saw him and within 6 weeks it went down to 1.6 and then the next month it went down to 1.1 which is amazing. My medical urologist was amazed at the results and all he could say was, "It looks like you're doing very well. Keep it up". What does that mean? They had no answers to solve my problem except conventional medicine which causes side effects and damage to my healthy cells.
I am fully convinced that this is the way to go for ALL health challenges and I plan to continue to do so. I have referred several people to visit Dr. Belanger for their health concerns."
RPG, Brentwood, N.H.
"I had prostate cancer surgery on January 18, 2006. I had left kidney cancer surgery on March 20, 2006. My PSA did not go down to zero after my prostate cancer surgery. It slowly went up steadily until, in May of 2008, the doctors decided that I should undergo seven weeks of radiation treatment for this growing cancer. Radiation treatment of five days a week for seven weeks left me exhausted. My PSA did not go down after the radiation treatment. It stayed the same, and then started climbing again. The doctors at Dan Farber hospital explained to me that if the cancer doubled (PSA number doubled) in a year and a half, I would be a candidate for a clinical trial. Mine doubled in five months after radiation. They had a few options for me when my PSA numbers got a little bit higher; chemo, hormones, or the new drug used in the clinical trial. All of these choices ruin your overall health. I wanted to do something, to be pro-active, before my PSA went up enough that I would have to take one of these. My adult daughter had been going to a Naturopathic doctor in Boston for asthma. This doctor recommended Dr. Belanger for me. She explained to my daughter that he had good success with prostate cancer patients. I was very skeptical. At the same time my wife was extremely ill with a brain tumor. She had the surgery, chemotherapy twice, and radiation treatment. She is in bad shape. I am the main caregiver for her, her main support. I didn’t have time to be sick from a severe treatment from traditional medicine. I went to Dr. Belanger and he recommended an assortment of supplements with the understanding that I would go for an extensive blood test to check my levels of all these variables. I liked the idea that he wasn’t just guessing at the supplementation but would determine what I needed from a real test. I left his office that day with a box of pills, a check list for a blood test, and a whole bunch of doubt. I didn’t know if I was being scammed, but I decided to give it a shot. At this time I just happened to have an appointment with one of the nutritionalists at Dana Farber hospital. I brought my list of supplements and asked her if any of these pills could hurt me. She recognized most of the supplements and looked up the ones she wasn’t familiar with on their special hospital intranet. She whole heartily agreed with the course of supplementation that Dr. Belanger recommended for me. I was thrilled that a nutritionalist from a major hospital would not only agree with but actually encourage me to continue with this plan. If Dr. Belanger’s plan for me was just some crazy scam I could still always go back to Dana Farber for one of their treatments. Well, it worked. My PSA number that was rising steadily went down. My cholesterol went down, my blood pressure is better, my pulse went down, and my weight went down (25 lbs.). I am extremely pleased. I recommend Dr. Belanger to everyone. I never really knew that there was such a healthy alternative to traditional medicine. I am much healthier overall and my PSA number went down. I 100% recommend Dr. Belanger." - John A. Gatti