

Osteoporosis can be slowly reversed if the bones are given everything they need and the cause(s) are identified and addressed. Calcium, vitamin D and weight bearing exercise are not enough to reverse osteoporosis. There are drugs that can help, but they may cause side effects like esophageal erosions and jaw necrosis. Several studies have shown that calcium in conjunction with trace minerals can increase bone density after a two-year period. Calcium alone or with vitamin D, however, only slows bone loss. Vitamin K2 is also extremely important in building strong bones because it helps bind calcium to the bones. Without vitamin K2, the calcium you take may end up in your arteries or collect as kidney stones and/or bone spurs. The type of calcium and vitamin D is also very important. Some calcium products and vitamin D, for example, are far less absorbable and active than others. We, at the Lexington Natural Health Center, help our patients select the best calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and trace mineral combinations and teach our patients about foods which can build strong bones. We also do extensive laboratory testing to determine the potential cause(s) of the osteoporosis. Patients who continue the program for several years often have improvements in their bone density and avoid fractures.

Osteoporosis Patient Testimonial

For the past 7 years I have met with Dr. Belanger to address issues around maintaining bone density as my family history includes osteoporosis on the side of my maternal grandmother. He has helped me maintain my bone density with his recommendatons which have also included certain kinds of exercise, foods, and supplements.Another way that he has helped is with my high cholesterol - using means other that the drug companies' statins, in favor of a more natural approach. He has educated me about the importance of Co-enzyme Q10 to protect the liver and the importance of monitoring my C-Reactive Protein levels. My CRP levels were never tested by my medical doctor unless I asked for it. A great deal of literature refers to CRP levels as being possible precursors to a heart attack. Working with Dr. Belanger, I have brought my CRP to a safe level. Finally, he has helped me with my osteoarthritis symptoms. In general, he continues to info rm me and fine-tune my diet to promote healthy blood sugar levels and overall good health. He is extremely knowledgeable and always open to seeking cutting-edge answers to health concerns, working in partnership with the patient. Sincerely, Kathleen R. ( Lexington )